


Our understanding of the Chinese language requires little thought, as we grew up in the Chinese context and became accustomed to phrases and sentences. When learning a foreign language, beginners often hear a foreign language, need first to translate into the mother tongue, and then speak the mother tongue into English, to express. This process is sometimes very laborious, resulting in poor oral expression. Strengthening the context requires listening and speaking more. You can do a lot of listening exercises, such as listening to news, documentaries, and watching movies. I prefer BBC documentaries and news because they use very precise and elegant language. The downside, though, is that sometimes the dialogue doesn’t come to life. Many of my classmates enjoyed watching friends, Modern Family and the Big Bang theory. Listening to authentic material may require subtitling initially, but I suggest that after a while, you try to turn off the subtitling and follow the plot to understand the meaning of the words. If you’re looking for a show, it’s best to look for a show with English subtitles.

A show with Chinese subtitles will make you rely on a Chinese translation very quickly, and the improvement won’t be significant. BBC Radio Dramas are also good, and can be listened to for half an hour before going to bed. Keep track of all the great sentences you see. Keep a small notebook, or jot down phrases, or sentences. It’s best to learn to break up sentences and understand why they are made that way when they are made. Then try changing a few familiar words to see if you can change the sentence.

Put on your headphones and try to read from sentence to sentence. This will improve your language sense. I usually choose the time when I walk to the dining hall to do this, so as not to disturb others in the dormitory, and also to make good use of my spare time. Keep in mind the context in which common statements are used.

If you watch American TV shows, you will find that the usual words, phrases and phrases are used to, and there will be “how are you, ” “thank you, ” and so on. In short, the best you can hope for is that when you hear someone speaking English, you don’t translate English into Chinese in your head and then try to translate it back into English.







记住那些常见的语句所应用的场合。如果去看美剧英剧的话,你会发现,说来说去,常用的词句、短语也就那些,用习惯了,会有“how are you” “Fine thank you”之类的不假思索的即时反应感。








  • 我有这册书的辅导书的pdf文档,如果要的话.好.我发给你 (主编是杨立民的那一版)


  • 可以请家教补一对一


  • 。。


  • 在没有伙伴对话的情况下,如何练习口语?口语练习的目标是培养交际能力。可是没有人对话,如何练习口语呢?下面介绍几种方法。1、模仿:提高口语能力的第一步就是模仿磁带或广播,模仿以英语为母语的人的语音、语调。磁带主要指英美原版录音带,如常见的《新概念英语》,Kernel Lessons等。模仿时,首先逐字逐句模仿,严守磁带里的语音、语调,不可按照自己平时朗读或说话的习惯去改造磁带里的语音、语调。初学者往往认为原版磁带的调掸害侧轿乇计岔袭唱陋子怪怪的,模仿时不习惯,模仿到最后还是改造了原有的“洋味”。实际上,只要持之以恒,一词一句地练,终究会模仿好的。儿童对母语的语音、语调的习得,就完全是靠模仿出来的。只有认真模仿过原声磁带、广播,你的口语才有“洋味”。2、朗读:提高口语的第二步是大声朗读。朗读也可以说是第二次模仿,所以也要求字正腔圆。朗读应有意识地以磁带里的语音、语调方式去朗读,切不可又回到自己原有的音调。这样坚持下去,便可形成比较固定的、带有“洋味”而又属于自己的英语口音。在朗读时,可以把自己的声音录下来,认真听一听,这样你会找出差距,发现自己的弱点。模仿和朗读是练习口语的第一关,一个连朗读都结结巴巴的人,口语也肯定不会好的。朗读的材料很多,各种比较浅易的口语经典篇章,包括各种口语教材、听力教材、精读课本,甚至一些泛读课本都可以用作朗读素材。有磁带的先模仿,后朗读;没有磁带的也可以有意识地按英美音调朗读,或在老师指导下朗读。只要能坚持模仿磁带或其它声像材料,不断地进行有效朗读,很多语汇、词汇和表达方法便自然而然上口了,语音、语调也随之好起来。希望能帮助到你,望采纳!
